Mac os list file names recursively directory
Mac os list file names recursively directory

mac os list file names recursively directory

%t: total size used by accepted files in directories (only with -D).%y: ls-style symbolic file type ( bcdfls).%M: ls-style symbolic file permissions.%Ax, %Cx, %Tx: result of strftime for %x on atime/ctime/mtime.%A-, %C-, %T-: relative age for atime/ctime/mtime.%F: file indicator type symbol ( %f: file basename (everything after last /).%P: full path without command line argument prefix.%I: one space character for every depth level.%R: device ID for special files ( stat.st_rdev).%S: file size, with human readable unit.-t TEST: only show files matching all TESTs, see below.-e REGEX: only show files where basename matches REGEX.-o ORD: sort according to the string ORD, see below.-W: sort results by name and print during traversal.-U: don't sort results, print during traversal.-s: strip directory prefix passed on command line.-h: print human readable size for -l (also %s).-Q: shell quote file names (default for output to TTY).-P: quote file names using $'.' syntax.-A: don't list files starting with a dot.-1: don't go below one level of directories.-H: only follow symlinks on command line.-S: BSD stat(1)-inspired output (implies -Q).-F: output filenames and an indicator of their file type ( -l: long output a la ls -l (implies -Q).Likewise, read input filenames separated by NUL bytes.

mac os list file names recursively directory

  • -0: output filenames separated by NUL bytes.
  • The special path argument - makes lr read file names from standard

    mac os list file names recursively directory mac os list file names recursively directory

  • Find broken symlinks: lr -L -t 'type = l'.
  • Find files with non-umask permissions: lr -t '!(mode = "=rw,+X")' -l.
  • Find files with setuid or setgid: lr -t 'mode | 06000' /usr/bin or lr -t 'mode = "u+s" || mode = "g+s"' /usr/bin.
  • Filter list of files for existence: xe lr -dQU >/dev/null 2>/dev/null & pwd' ' ': lr -0U -t 'name = "HEAD"' | xe -0 -s 'cd $ & git rev-parse -resolve-git-dir.
  • find -name HEAD -execdir sh -c 'git rev-parse -resolve-git-dir.
  • find -L /proc/*/fd -maxdepth 1 -type f -links 0 -printf '%b %p\n':.
  • copy & paste file names from the output since they are relative to pwd.
  • sorts over all files, not per directory.
  • getopt is used, can mix filters and arguments in any order.
  • friendly and logical C-style filter syntax.
  • Need to port scan_filesystems for fstype to work. It will likely work on other Unix-like systems with C99, but you'll Lr has been tested on Linux 4.1, FreeBSD 10.2, OpenBSD 5.7, Lr is a new tool for generating file listings, which includes theīest features of ls(1), find(1), stat(1) and du(1).

    Mac os list file names recursively directory